NAICS Code Description

335312 - Motor and Generator Manufacturing

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 335312 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Lennox International IncAih LLC
Regal Rexnord CorporationGE Energy Manufacturing Inc
Generac Holdings IncBabcock & Wilcox Entps Inc
Bwx Technologies IncLeoch Battery Corporation
Franklin Electric Co IncYaskawa America Inc

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing electric motors (except internal combustion engine starting motors), power generators (except battery charging alternators for internal combustion engines), and motor generator sets (except turbine generator set units). This industry includes establishments rewinding armatures on a factory basis.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

  • Manufacturing electric outboard motors--are classified in U.S. Industry 333618, Other Engine Equipment Manufacturing;
  • Manufacturing gas, steam, or hydraulic turbine generator set units--are classified in U.S. Industry 333611, Turbine and Turbine Generator Set Units Manufacturing;
  • Manufacturing starting motors and battery charging alternators for internal combustion engines--are classified in Industry 336320, Motor Vehicle Electrical and Electronic Equipment Manufacturing;
  • Rewinding armatures, not on a factory basis--are classified in Industry 811310, Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance; and
  • Manufacturing welding and soldering equipment (except handheld soldering irons)--are classified in U.S. Industry 333992, Welding and Soldering Equipment Manufacturing.
Index Entries for 335312
335312335312335312Armature rewinding on a factory basis
335312335312335312Armatures, industrial, manufacturing
335312335312335312Coils for motors and generators manufacturing
335312335312335312Collector rings for motors and generators manufacturing
335312335312335312Commutators, electric motor, manufacturing
335312335312335312Condensers, synchronous, electric, manufacturing
335312335312335312Converters, phase and rotary, electrical equipment, manufacturing
335312335312335312Dynamos, electric (except automotive), manufacturing
335312335312335312Dynamotors manufacturing
335312335312335312Exciter assemblies, motor and generator, manufacturing
335312335312335312Fractional horsepower electric motors manufacturing
335312335312335312Frequency converters (i.e., electric generators) manufacturing
335312335312335312Generating apparatus and parts, electrical (except internal combustion engine and welding), manufacturing
335312335312335312Generator sets, prime mover (except turbine generator sets), manufacturing
335312335312335312Generators and sets, electric (except internal combustion engine, welding, turbine generator sets), manufacturing
335312335312335312Generators for gas-electric and oil-electric vehicles, manufacturing
335312335312335312Generators for storage battery chargers (except internal combustion engine and aircraft) manufacturing
335312335312335312Ground Power Units (GPU) manufacturing
335312335312335312Integral horsepower electric motors manufacturing
335312335312335312Inverters, rotating electrical, manufacturing
335312335312335312Land transportation motors and generators manufacturing
335312335312335312Motor generator sets (except automotive, turbine generator sets) manufacturing
335312335312335312Motors, electric (except engine starting motors, gearmotors, outboard), manufacturing
335312335312335312Phase converters (i.e., electrical equipment) manufacturing
335312335312335312Power generators manufacturing
335312335312335312Prime mover generator sets (except turbine generator sets) manufacturing
335312335312335312Railway motors and control equipment, electric, manufacturing
335312335312335312Resolvers manufacturing
335312335312335312Rotor retainers and housings manufacturing
335312335312335312Rotors (i.e., for motors) manufacturing
335312335312335312Servomotors manufacturing
335312335312335312Slip rings for motors and generators manufacturing
335312335312335312Stators for motors manufacturing
335312335312335312Storage battery chargers (except internal combustion engine-type) manufacturing
335312335312335312Synchronous condensers and timing motors, electric, manufacturing
335312335312335312Synchronous motors manufacturing
335312335312335312Timing motors, synchronous, electric, manufacturing
335312335312335312Torque motors, electric, manufacturing