NAICS Code Description

321912 - Cut Stock, Resawing Lumber, and Planing

Top Businesses by Annual Sales for 321912 – Click for Complete Profiles:

Builders Firstsource IncNorthwest Hardwoods Inc
Ufp Industries IncTronox Incorporated
Boise Cascade CompanyShelter Group LLC
Trex Co IncGilman Building Products LLC
Enviva IncMJB Wood Group LLC

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in one or more of the following: (1) manufacturing dimension lumber from purchased lumber; (2) manufacturing dimension stock (i.e., shapes) or cut stock; (3) resawing the output of sawmills; and (4) planing purchased lumber. These establishments generally use woodworking machinery, such as jointers, planers, lathes, and routers to shape wood.

Cross-References. Establishments primarily engaged in--

  • Manufacturing dimension lumber, boards, beams, timbers, poles, ties, shingles, shakes, siding, and wood chips from logs or bolts--are classified in U.S. Industry 321113, Sawmills;
  • Manufacturing wood stairwork, wood molding, wood trim, and other millwork--are classified in U.S. Industry 321918, Other Millwork (including Flooring); and
  • Manufacturing wood furniture frames and finished wood furniture parts--are classified in U.S. Industry 337215, Showcase, Partition, Shelving, and Locker Manufacturing.
Index Entries for 321912
321912321912321912Blanks, wood (e.g., bowling pins, handles, textile machinery accessories), manufacturing
321912321912321912Boards, wood, resawing purchased lumber
321912321912321912Bobbin blocks and blanks, wood, manufacturing
321912321912321912Bowling pin blanks manufacturing
321912321912321912Brush blocks, wood, turned and shaped
321912321912321912Cants, resawed (lumber), manufacturing
321912321912321912Ceiling lumber, dressed, resawing purchased lumber
321912321912321912Cut stock manufacturing
321912321912321912Dimension lumber, hardwood, resawing purchased lumber
321912321912321912Dimension lumber, resawing purchased lumber
321912321912321912Dimension lumber, softwood, resawing purchased lumber
321912321912321912Dimension stock, hardwood, manufacturing
321912321912321912Dimension stock, softwood, manufacturing
321912321912321912Dimension stock, wood, manufacturing
321912321912321912Furniture dimension stock, hardwood, unfinished, manufacturing
321912321912321912Furniture dimension stock, softwood, unfinished, manufacturing
321912321912321912Furniture dimension stock, unfinished wood, manufacturing
321912321912321912Furniture squares, unfinished hardwood, manufacturing
321912321912321912Gun stock blanks manufacturing
321912321912321912Handle blanks, wood, manufacturing
321912321912321912Handle stock, sawed or planed, manufacturing
321912321912321912Hardwood dimension lumber and stock, resawing purchased lumber
321912321912321912Ladder rounds or rungs, hardwood, manufacturing
321912321912321912Lath, wood, manufacturing
321912321912321912Lathmills, wood
321912321912321912Lumber, hardwood dimension, resawing purchased lumber
321912321912321912Lumber, softwood dimension, resawing purchased lumber
321912321912321912Planing mills (except millwork)
321912321912321912Planing purchased lumber
321912321912321912Resawing purchased lumber
321912321912321912Rounds or rungs, furniture, hardwood, manufacturing
321912321912321912Sawed lumber, resawing purchased lumber
321912321912321912Snow fence lath manufacturing
321912321912321912Softwood dimension lumber and stock, resawing purchased lumber
321912321912321912Stock, chair, unfinished hardwood, manufacturing
321912321912321912Studs, resawing purchased lumber
321912321912321912Turnings, furniture, unfinished wood, manufacturing
321912321912321912Vehicle stock, hardwood, manufacturing