NAICS Profile Page

Unique Site ID: 00-132-6073
Company Name:
CNA Holdings LLC
Top Contact:
Street Address:
222 Las Colinas Blvd W, Irving TX 75039
Phone: Restricted
Total Emps: 880Emps On Site: 44
Sales Volume: $6,910,767,879
Public/Private: PublicYear Started: 1918
Lat: 32.8669837Long: -96.9392163
NAICS 1: 325220Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments Manufacturing
NAICS 2: 325211Plastics Material and Resin Manufacturing
SIC 1: 28239901Acetate fibers, triacetate fibers
SIC 2: 28210000Plastics materials and resins
Number of Locations: 82
Date of Report: 2022-07-01