NAICS Profile Page

Unique Site ID: 09-289-8162
Company Name:
Lava Nursery Inc
Lewis Rver Rfrestation In Wash
Top Contact:
Street Address:
5301 Culbertson Dr, Mount Hood Parkdale OR 97041
Phone: Restricted
Total Emps: 6Emps On Site: 4
Sales Volume: $950,664
Public/Private: PublicYear Started: 1976
Lat: 45.5045133Long: -121.6103527
NAICS 1: 113210Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products
NAICS 2: 111421Nursery and Tree Production
SIC 1: 08319901Forest nurseries
SIC 2: 08119901Christmas tree farm
Number of Locations: 4
Date of Report: 2022-07-01